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Category Archives: Photos

One of the best photos I’ve ever taken.

The clouds and the lights combine with the tree in perfect harmony.


Books say “She did this because.”

Life says “She did this.”

Books are where things are explained to you; life is where things aren’t. I’m not surprised that some people prefer books.

Books make sense.

The only problem is that the lives they make sense of are other people’s lives, never your own.

– Julian Barnes

After the historian Sean Malloy found chilling photographs of Hiroshima bombing victims in the archives of the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, he vowed to resolve the mysterious origins of the film roll, which was found in a Japanese cave.

Instead, the new mystery is how academic researchers were duped into believing that grim photographs of the scattered remains of victims of a 1923 earthquake disaster outside Tokyo were scenes of the devastation from the first atomic bomb.

On Tuesday, the French daily Le Monde posted a lengthy correction after publishing two grainy black and white photographs Saturday of a pyramid of cadavers that it billed as: “Hiroshima: What the world never saw.”

The newspaper said the photographs, which were also newly published in the United States and Italy, were “probably not authentic.

Le Monde says disaster pictures weren’t of Hiroshima – International Herald Tribune

This would happen the very day after I  posted them here wouldn’t it.

At least now we know.




The Original


The Original



The Original


The Original